Mechanical Engineering

Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of Neutron Transport and Activation Processes for Nuclear Power Plants and Research Reactors (2/9)

by Dr Ben Volmert (Nagra)

60/Ground-101 - Lecture Hall (Administration Building)

60/Ground-101 - Lecture Hall

Administration Building

Show room on map

Abstract/Key highlights of the workshop:
• Outline of the task at hand (i.e. characteristics of the source, shielding configuration, nuclear data and codes, tally system) 
• Monte Carlo or Deterministic? 
• Physics of neutron propagation, especially neutron streaming effects 
• Discussion of modelling aspects like CAD, required details for the modelling of source, shielding configuration and tally system 
• Hardware constraints (RAM, CPU/threads, recommendations) - Examples for neutron flux distributions for NPP and research reactors 
• Introduction into AMAC - Storing the results / demands? 
• Hands on experience with the post processing toolbox DASHBOARD 
• Benefits for NPP operational issues as well as decommission planning

Note: Participants are kindly requested to bring their laptops to the workshop to ensure a hands-on and interactive learning experience.

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