SMiLE (Smart Mobility and Logistics Ecosystems) is a novel technical conference taking place in Saudi Arabia, aimed at bringing together leading academics, researchers, and professionals. Its primary objective is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and research concepts related to various aspects of smart mobility and logistics. Smart mobility and logistics play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency of transportation systems, reducing environmental impacts, and improving overall urban traffic. By leveraging advanced technologies in IoT, AI, data analytics, unmanned autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, and hydrogen fuels, smart mobility enables real-time monitoring of transportation networks, contributing to reduced congestion and emissions.
The aim of the conference is to showcase advances in the areas of smart mobility and logistics for academics, industry, and governmental institutions. Therefore, the conference invites the submission of full-length papers, which will undergo a peer-review process and subsequent publication. Authors will present their papers in English, with allocated time slots for oral presentations, including question and answer sessions. It is mandatory for at least one author to register for the conference.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for publication in Procedia Transportation Research, hosted by Elsevier on www.elsevier.com and on the Elsevier content platform ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect.com), and will be freely available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will be indexed by Scopus (www.scopus.com).

Conference Highlights:
- 4 High Impact Conference Tracks
- Plenary talks by Distinguished Speakers
- Tutorial Sessions
- Exhibition
- Awards
- Social Events
Best paper award: One best papers will be selected.
Best presentation award: One best presentation will be selected.
- New Paper Submission is closed now.