Mechanical Engineering

How Liquid Metal-cooled Reactors will Thrive in the Second Atomic Age (6/9)

by Mr Matt Loszak (Aalo Atomics, USA)

60/Ground-105 - Lecture Hall (Administration Building)

60/Ground-105 - Lecture Hall

Administration Building

Show room on map

The "First Atomic Age" of the 50s - 70s entailed much exploration across a wide range of nuclear technologies, however when the dust settled, we were left primarily with water-based reactors which spread globally to over 400 commercial deployments. As interest in new nuclear deployments came to a pause in the 80s - 2000s, innovation in nuclear all but came to a halt. However, a new era of nuclear innovation is upon us, led by initiatives like the MARVEL reactor from INL. This will be the first new advanced micro-reactor built in the US in decades, and will act as the harbinger of the Second Atomic Age. Aalo Atomics is a commercial entity that will be designing and building a scaled up, more economical version of the MARVEL reactor. In this workshop, we will explore the vast potential of the MARVEL technology platform, and highlight some of the incredible future capabilities that will be unlocked by the use of liquid-metal-cooled reactors beyond the more common water-based technology of today. 

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