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College of Engineering and Physics

EE Undergraduate Concentrations

by Fahhad Alharbi (Electrical Engineering), Mohammad Alhassoun (Electrical Engineering), Mohammed Al-Muhaini (Electrical Engineering), Yaqub Mahnashi (Electrical Engineering)




EE Undergraduate Concentrations


Date:                  Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Time:                  07: 00 PM – 07: 50 PM

Location:           https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82321851571?pwd=MGdKN29WSmdKTjRXeHpUUlVkMzZPZz09

Meeting ID:      823 2185 1571

Passcode:         ee


Dear Junior and Senior Students,

KFUPM has introduced a set of new undergraduate concentrations that meet job market trends in exciting disciplines and are aligned with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. These undergraduate concentrations include topics such as Bioelectronics and Sensors, Communication Systems, Electric Defense Systems, and Energy Efficiency. Today there will be an introductory orientation seminar about the concentrations hosted by the EE department. Note that this seminar is for junior and senior students, and therefore, all junior and senior students are welcomed to attend the seminar. The coordinators for the concentrations are Dr. Mohammed Al-Muhaini, Dr. Mohammad Al-Hassoun, Dr. Fahhad Al-Harbi, and Dr. Yaqub Mahnashi.

Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Applied Engineering
Telephone:+966 (13) 860 4657, Email: 
info@kfupm.edu.sa, Website: www.kfupm.edu.sa/ee