1 March 2021
Asia/Riyadh timezone

Development and Assessment of Students Outcomes

It is crucial for faculty members to know how to frame their goals for student learning before designing a program or a course, or even selecting teaching staratigies and assessment method. Usually, faculty members expect their students to understand a set of topics, but their expectation are written in a way that is vague and hard to measure or observe. This  description of expectations for learning, which we refer to as students outcomes, does not assist either faculty members as they design their approaches to teaching a course, or the students as they are trying to achieving their learning objectives.

In this workshop, we will focus on how to develop clear and effective student outcomes that cover knowledge, skills, and values learning domains. In addition, we will describe with some examples how to appropriately assess student outcomes, which is considered a critical step in the quality assurance of teaching and learning in the University.


Hosted By: Academic Assessment Center

Registration for this event is currently open.
There is an open survey.