13–15 Nov 2023
King Fahd Conference Center, KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA
Asia/Riyadh timezone

The Prospect of Nuclear Power Integrated Desalination Plants in Saudi Arabia

14 Nov 2023, 15:10
1h 20m
60/1-Auditorium (Administration Building)


Administration Building

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Paper Student competition Day 2- Research Pitch Competition - III


ABDALLAH BALABAID (Chemical Engineering)


Despite the amount of water on our planet, water scarcity is a crucial problem facing the world. Thus, many countries resort to seawater desalination to solve this problem. Some of the most popular desalination technologies in the world are Reverse Osmosis desalination (RO), Multi Effect Desalination (MED) and Multi-Stage Flash desalination (MSF). These technologies are operated by heat and electricity, which are conventionally provided through fossil fuels. The world’s largest desalinated water producer by a significant margin is Saudi Arabia. Consequently, with the prospect of reducing the dependence on fossil fuels and shifting to more environmentally friendly sources, nuclear desalination will be a contributing factor. This study discusses the process of coupling Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) with RO desalination plants in Saudi Arabia. As well as provide valuable recommendations to utilize the country’s new nuclear ventures in its already existing desalination infrastructure.

Primary authors

ABDALLAH BALABAID (Chemical Engineering) ABDULAZIZ ALSUBHI (Mechanical Engineering) Afaque Shams (Mechanical Engineering) KHALED ALQAHTANI (Mechanical Engineering) Khaled Al-Athel (Mechanical Engineering) OSAMAH AL GAZLAN (Chemical Engineering)

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