13–15 Nov 2023
King Fahd Conference Center, KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA
Asia/Riyadh timezone

Conference Workshops (Nov 12)

1. Hands-On eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAi)

Presenters: Dr. Faizan Ahmed & Dr. Adeel Ahmad 

Institute(s): University of Twente, Netherlands & COMSATS, Pakistan

Time: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


This hands-on workshop introduces participants to eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAi), focusing on techniques that enhance the interpretability of AI models. Participants will gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience to effectively apply XAi methods.

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2. Digital in the Service of Nuclear Engineering

Presenters: Dr. Ibrahim Ardi

Institute: DT-Inova, France

Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Join us for a captivating workshop exploring the transformative role of digital technologies in tackling the challenges of nuclear engineering. Immerse yourself in a journey that converges Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Digital Twin innovations. This session dives into the intricate landscape of nuclear complexities, ranging from addressing complex physical phenomena to navigating the demands of extended operating lifetimes.

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3. How Liquid Metal-cooled Reactors will Thrive in the Second Atomic Age

Presenters: Mr. Matt Loszak

Institute: Aalo Atomics, USA

Time: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM


The "First Atomic Age" of the 50s - 70s entailed much exploration across a wide range of nuclear technologies, however when the dust settled, we were left primarily with water-based reactors which spread globally to over 400 commercial deployments. As interest in new nuclear deployments came to a pause in the 80s - 2000s, innovation in nuclear all but came to a halt. However, a new era of nuclear innovation is upon us, led by initiatives like the MARVEL reactor from INL. This will be the first new advanced micro-reactor built in the US in decades, and will act as the harbinger of the Second Atomic Age. Aalo Atomics is a commercial entity that will be designing and building a scaled up, more economical version of the MARVEL reactor. In this workshop, we will explore the vast potential of the MARVEL technology platform, and highlight some of the incredible future capabilities that will be unlocked by the use of liquid-metal-cooled reactors beyond the more common water-based technology of today.

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4. Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of Neutron Transport and Activation Processes for Nuclear Power Plants and Research Reactors

Presenter: Dr. Ben Volmert

Institute: Nagra, Switzerland

Time: 9:00 PM - 12:00 PM


  • Outline of the task at hand (i.e. characteristics of the source, shielding configuration, nuclear data and codes, tally system) 
  • Monte Carlo or Deterministic?
  • Physics of neutron propagation, especially neutron streaming effects 
  • Discussion of modelling aspects like CAD, required details for the modelling of source, shielding configuration and tally system
  • Hardware constraints (RAM, CPU/threads, recommendations) - Examples for neutron flux distributions for NPP and research reactors
  • Introduction into AMAC - Storing the results / demands? 
  • Hands on experience with the post processing toolbox DASHBOARD
  • Benefits for NPP operational issues as well as decommission planning

Note: Participants are kindly requested to bring their laptops to the workshop to ensure a hands-on and interactive learning experience.

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5. T-Flows - An Advanced Computer Simulations Tool for Complex Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer

Presenters: Dr. Muhamed Hadziabdic, International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina     
Dr. Bojan Niceno, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland     
Dr. Afaque Shams, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia 

Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has emerged as an indispensable engineering tool for predicting, designing, optimizing and managing processes and devices in which fluid flow, often accompanied by heat and mass transfer, are playing a dominant role. Designing computer processors’ cooling, reducing car and airplane noise, sand transport in cities, cooling of nuclear rods in nuclear reactors, predicting urban climate, are just some of the important areas in which CFD based simulations play a decisive role. In the course/workshop we will introduce T-Flows, an open-source – open-access – unstructured finite-volume CFD program, originally developed at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. T-Flows is optimized for computations of single and multiphase flows, with heat and mass transfer, in complex configurations by using state-of-the art turbulence and multiphase models and numerical methods.

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6. Motivation and Lessons Learned from Fukushima’s Accident Research

Presenter: Dr. Luis E. Herranz(Head of Nuclear Safety Research)  
Institute: Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas MedioAmbientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), Spain

Time: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM


After the multiple severe accidents at the Fukushima-Daiichi site on March 11th 2011, the nuclear community reacted in many different ways and directions. One of those was a vast amount of research all over the world. This workshop will try to highlight why understanding these severe accidents unfolding was so important and what we have learned so far. More than focusing on quite specific results, the speaker will try to explain the methodology used with its strengths and weaknesses and to make some reflections about the severe accidents - nuclear safety “bond”.

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7. Principles of Radiation Protection

Presenters: Dr Mansour Almurayshid

Time: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

The objective of the workshop is to assist professionals in building capacity in the field of radiation protection. It would highlight the basic knowledge on radiation protection and fundamental principles of radiation protection. In addition, understand the various approaches to estimate the external radiation doses via highlighting different radiation detectors used in estimating the radiation levels in and around work area, levels around radiation equipment or source containers and equivalent doses received by individuals working with radiation. Furthermore, the selection considerations for radiation detectors will be overviewed.

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8. Workshop on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics Simulation & Safety Analysis

Presenters: Kyung-Doo Kim
Affiliation: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)

Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


  • Recent developments and V&V for SPACE: Korea began developing system thermal hydraulics code for use in nuclear power plant safety analysis in 2006 and obtained approval for use in nuclear power plant design in 2017. In my presentation, I introduce the two-phase three-field equation model selected in the SPACE code, introduce the differences and advantages and disadvantages of the governing equations used in other codes, and introduce the verification and validation process of the SPACE code to demonstrate that the SPACE code is suitable for use in nuclear power plant design.  I also introduce new developments to expand the scope of use of the SPACE code.
  • MARS-KS development and application activities: In addition to the SPACE code used by industries in nuclear power plant design, KAERI also developed the MARS-KS code, a system thermal hydraulics code used by regulatory agencies for audit calculations. In my presentation, I will focus on the performance and application cases of MARS-KS.

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9. Introducing Nuclear Power in a newcomer country; What does it take?


Presenters: Dr. Muhammad Garwan
Time: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Targeted Audience :  KFUPM (students, faculty, academic planners) and the public in general.

Abstract/Short Description: 
Introducing nuclear power for the first time in any country is a great endeavor. The workshop will highlight the major aspects of needed physical, legal, organizational and human aspects that that need to be either incepted or developed. 

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